Title: Heartbeat
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Characters: Toph, Zuko
Prompt: 46. Pulse
Word Count: 123
Rating: PG
Summary: Toph’s in tune with the heartbeat of the earth.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: Crossposted like crazy. Spoilers for the series finale.
My Table Toph stood at the base of the volcano and wriggled her toes, feeling the warm, steady pulse of the magma beneath her feet, like a heartbeat. She turned in Zuko’s general direction. “I give it a day before she pops like a zit.”
“Love the image,” the young Firelord said with a snort that the Earthbender knew was accompanied by a fond smile. He turned to the village elder and ordered the evacuation while Toph listened to the heartbeat of the earth.