Title: An Expectation
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Nico, Molly, Klara, with mentions of Tommy Shepard
Prompt: 15. Charm
Word Count: 138
Rating: PG
Summary: A man gives a gift like that, something is expected in return.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
My Table “It’s from Tommy,” Molly told Nico helpfully.
“I kinda guessed,” Nico replied, wrapping the chain around her fingers. At the end was a little silver witch on a broomstick.
Klara reached out and cupped the pendant in her palm. “It looks expensive. A man who gives such a gift has expectations of a girl.”
“He probably got it out of a vending machine,” Nico told the girl. “Or he stole it from a Hot Topic. Either way he can go right on ‘expecting’ things.” She smiled to herself and tucked the necklace into her pocket. “I’m not that easy.”