Title: First Encounter
fullmetal_cuteRating: G
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
Characters/Pairings: Victor, Cessily
Table/Prompt: Table 3/10. Cry
Word Count: 200
Summary: Victor’s mom makes him carry around tissues.
Warnings/Spoilers: None.
Author's Notes: Just a little bit of fluff.
Victor crouched in front of the little red haired girl, pulling a wadded up, slightly grungy Kleenex from his pocket. “My mom makes me carry these around,” he explained, holding them out as the girl sniffled, clutching her bloodied knee.
She looked at him, her red rimmed eyes wide. “My parents say that mutants are all bad and are gonna eat me.”
Victor gave her a puzzled frown. “I don’t eat people. Want a gum ball?” he added, taking a slightly fuzzy sweet from his pocket.
“I’m not supposed to take candy from strangers. And it’s fuzzy.”
“I’m Victor.”
“I’m Cessily,” the girl said shyly, taking the gum ball.
That was when her mother came charging across the playground, shrieking like a bat out of hell as she snatched Cessily away. Victor ran for it, knowing better than staying anywhere near someone so completely, clearly crazed.