Title: Same Old Song and Dance
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Jonothon Starsmore, Angelo “Fuck YOU Chuck Austen” Espinosa, OMC
Prompt: 38. Headstrong
Word Count:
Rating: PG
Summary: Neither of them is entirely fond of the company the other keeps.
Author's Notes: Part of my That Damn Mpreg series.
“Can’t you just try being civil?” Zeke asked his father, rubbing his temples with his fingers. “We’re only gonna be here for a few days. I want to spend time with you and Mum without there being a big fight.”
Then you need to leave him somewhere else, Jono said curtly. I won’t be around him.
“He’s not a bad guy, Da. I wish you’d stop treating him like one.”
He’s just going to hurt you, in the end. I don’t want to have to see that, Ezekiel.
Zeke’s reply died on his lips as he watched Angelo pass by the open door.
“He’s still here.”
Where else would he go? He’s my friend, and he’s welcome to stay here as long as he wants.