Title: A Tale of Two Victors
Fandom: Runaways/X-Men
Characters: Victor Mancha, Victor Borkowski
Prompt: 22. Learn
Word Count: 114
Rating: PG
Summary: Two super-powered teenagers named Victor finally meet.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
My Table “Victor Mancha,” the cyborg said, sticking out his hand. “Me and my friends are LA’s resident super-heroes.”
“Victor Borkowski,” the reptilian mutant replied, shaking the runaway’s hand with the less intimidating of his own. “I’m with the X-Men. We just moved in to San Francisco .”
“Cool arm. You guys are on the West Coast now? Niiice.”
“Nice light show a minute ago with the Sentinel thing. And the thing with the girders? Very cool.”
“I do my best,” Vic replied modestly.