Title: The Not So Little Merman
dorksidefikerFandom: That Damn Mpreg
Table/Prompt: Table 1/5. Ocean
Character/Pairing: Cera’al/Octavian
Rating: PG
Word Count: 180
Summary: Cera’al is not so easily impressed.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Part of my sprawling That Damn Mpreg saga.
Octavian pulled Cera’al over to the edge of the clear dome, putting her hand on the thin barrier that stood between them and the dark ocean outside. “My lord father had this place built some time ago for someone he cared for,” he said, his eyes on the princess’s reflection in the water beyond as he caressed her wrist with his thumb.
Cera’al looked decidedly unimpressed.
“It is closed off from everything,” she said. “I cannot even see the city from here.” She turned to look Octavian in the eye. “I am here to see that, not some secluded bower.”
“Then I shall show you my city,” Octavian said with a gallant bow. “As my lady bids me.”
“As my grandfather is so fond of saying,” Cera’al drawled, “I am amazed that your eyes aren’t turning brown.”