Title: Cassidy Keep
dorksidefikerFandom: That Damn Mpreg
Table/Prompt: Table 3/1. Castle
Character/Pairing: Zeke Starsmore, Terry Guthrie, Blanche Guthrie
Rating: PG
Word Count: 215
Summary: Have fun storming the castle!
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Yet another entry into
That Damn Mpreg “Bloody fairies,” Zeke groaned, grabbing Terry Guthrie’s hand and hauling him up over the lip of the cliff. His sister Blanche hauled herself up after the two men, and was the only one of them not drenched by the pounding rain. “I hate fairies.”
“You think you hate them?” Terry asked, a slightly hysterical edge to his voice. “It’s not your ancestral keep that’s infested with the pests. I am never coming back here again. This whole place could burn to the ground and I would not care one bit.”
Blanche wound a lock of blue dyed hair around her finger. “I dunno. I kinda like it,” she mused. “It’s all picturesque and stuff, you know?”
“It’s moldering and the electricity hardly ever works and you have to use a damn chamber pot,” Terry growled. “And it’s infested with fucking fairies.”
Zeke sighed, looking up and raising a hand to keep the rain out of his eyes. “You’ve both got your iron knives? Yes? Good. Lets go take back your castle.”