Title: New Scar
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Characters: Mai/Zuko
Prompt: 21. Scar
Word Count: 155
Rating: PG
Summary: Mai’s having a good look at Zuko’s newest scar.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: Set post-series, so consider that your warning.
My Table Mai sat up and looked at the raw looking new scar on Zuko’s stomach, where Azula had shot him with lightning before finally losing what was left of her mind.
She’d always known there was something very wrong with Azula, but the princess had always been powerful and important, and it was always good to be in with the powerful and important, especially when they had the power of life and death over you. Also, being with Azula had let her get closer to Zuko in the first place, before he had begun collecting family inflicted burn scars.
She held her hand over the scar and imagined that it felt warm.