Title: Tourist Trap
dorksidefikerFandom: That Damn Mpreg
Table/Prompt: Table 5/2. Celestial
Character/Pairing: The Altman-Kaplan family.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 144
Summary: They’re family vacations are always like this.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Yet another
That Damn Mpreg story. “Smile, everyone!”
Nate rolled his eyes in the way of all thirteen year olds and forced a grin as his father set the camera and rushed to join the rest of the family.
“This is the nerdiest place ever,” Becca muttered through slightly gritted teeth.
Ted gave Becca’s shoulder a little push. “Humor your father. Bobby, stop making faces.”
The camera flashed, and Nate turned around to look at the golden Celestial looming above them. “The stuff you see every day, and we have to vacation here?”
“It was my turn to pick, so just suck it up, okay?” Will sighed.