Title: String Man
dorksidefikerPairing/Character/etc: Billy Kaplan, Teddy Altman, Bobby Altman-Kaplan, Becca Altman-Kaplan, Jamie Braddock.
Fandom: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: PG
Theme: 2. Sweet
Disclaimer: Not all of it’s mine, but a nice big bunch.
Note: Another tale from
That Damn Mpreg Will Kaplan looked at his eldest son, then at the empty plate in front of him. He should have been pleased; all the vegetables were gone.
Unfortunately, he knew his son. “You turned it all into chocolate, didn’t you?” he sighed.
Bobby’s brown eyes widened in an attempt at looking innocent that didn’t fool Will for one moment. “Didn’t.”
“Some of it was marzipan,” Becca supplied, ever helpful.
“Snitch!” Bobby hissed.
“He says the string man showed him how,” the little girl went on smugly.
“Shut up shut up shut up!”
“The String Man?” Will asked, worry creeping up on him.
“He shows me things,” Bobby muttered, glaring at his sister. “And he wears a funny hat. Like the Peanut guy.”
“I wish you’d relax,” Ted sighed. “This is probably like the space monkey thing, just a figment of an overactive imagination.”
“I just want to be sure. I’m not taking any chances.” Will hunted through the database more, then stopped. “Oh hell. What do you know about Jamie Braddock?”
“Captain Britain?” Ted asked.
“No, his older brother. Completely insane reality warper. Wears a top hat. I don’t like this.”
“Well, neither do I, now.”