Title: Savage Land
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Santo, Victor
Prompt: 48. Uncivilized
Word Count: 181
Rating: PG
Summary: Victor likes it out in the wilds.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Link: My Table
Victor pulled something large and rather a lot like an orange from a tree and started peeling the skin off of it. “I could get to like it here,” he said to Santo. “God, this sun!” He spread his arms and turned his face up, grinning.
“There’s no TV,” Santo grumbled.
Victor laughed. “We’re in a genuine, unspoiled paradise, nearly naked women have been hanging all over you for the last week, and you don’t like it?”
Santo made a face. “I’m really tired of no pizza and guys in loin cloths,” he said grumpily. “My PSP’s dead, I haven’t seen a TV in a week, and you’re going native. I’m ready to go back to civilization now.”
“I like the loin cloths. I think I’m gonna make mine my new costume,” Victor said teasingly, taking a bite from his orange-like fruit and savoring the tangy taste on his tongue.