Title: The Big Time
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor, Xi’an
Prompt: 45. Merchandise
Word Count: 181
Rating: PG
Summary: Victor is somewhat less than pleased with his first appearance in a comic book.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
My Table “I don’t look anything like that!” Victor protested. “And when the hell have I ever talked like that?”
“You can’t let this kind of thing get to you,” Xi’an advised, plucking the comic book out of the boy’s hand. “I never read any of them, myself.”
“Can I sue someone?” Victor asked hopefully.
“You can try, but it’s really not worth the bother,” Xi’an said truthfully, dumping the comic book into the garbage. “You’re a public figure now.”
“I used to love these things,” Victor sighed mournfully. “Is it always going to be like this?”
“Well, if you join the Avengers or a government sponsored team, you can get final approval on all materials with your likeness. Well… your employers really have the final say, but you get more control.”
“Do you think the Young Avengers have this kind of problem?”