Title: Mother Approved
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Anole/Icarus, Lucinda Guthrie
Prompt: 19. Charm
Word Count: 133
Rating: PG
Summary: Lucinda likes this one much better than the others her children have brought home.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
My Table Lucinda Guthrie pulled Jay aside, watching out the screen door as her younger children piled on top of the reptilian boy her son and brought home with him for the holidays. “I like this one,” she said. “Hang on to him.”
Jay rolled his eyes. “So Vic’s charmed you too.”
“He’s a sweet boy and if you do something to mess this up for no good reason, I’m going to be very disappointed in you.”
Jay watched Victor squirm free of the pile of Guthries, laughing and teasing them. “So will I,” he admitted.