Title: Fear
dorksidefiker Fandom: That Damn Mpreg
Table/Prompt: Table 3/10. Afraid
Character/Pairing: Bobby/Zeke, Becca
Rating: PG
Word Count: 147
Summary: The worst part is that he knows what she’s going through.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Part of my ongoing That Damn Mpreg saga.
The worst part was that Zeke knew that Rebecca was afraid for her brother, and that she only wanted to protect him. He could feel it.
And Rebecca Altman-Kaplan was someone who channeled fear into anger and aggression. It was something that had served her well over the course of her life, and she wasn’t about to change that now. In a lot of ways, she was Bobby’s complete opposite; she felt everything so intensely while Bobby didn’t let himself feel anything at all.
Feeling the raw intensity of Rebecca’s had for him was enough to make Zeke feel physically ill.