Title: Masks: Stripped Away
Universe: Fushigi Yuugi
Rating: PG
Summary: Tasuki brings Chichiri with him on a visit home.
Author’s Notes:
Greetings and Salutations one and all! I’m fairly new to the FY fandom, but am very much addicted now. grabs Tasuki and Chichiri and hugs them Just so you all know, my knowledge of FY comes entirely from the manga, which I have read up to vol. 14.
Masks is just me having little ideas and writing them down. Most of these will be short and utterly unconnected in any way.
Be gentle, this is my first FY fic. This first one takes place just after the end of Vol. 14.
Chichiri glanced out of the corner of his good eye at Tasuki, who was walking up the path like a condemned man walks to the gallows. “I can’t wait to meet your family. No da.” the monk said cheerfully, trying to lighten his companion’s mood. Tasuki muttered something that Chichiri decided he was better off not hearing.
The heat of the noon sun pounded down on the two Celestial warriors, causing sweat to trickle down the monk’s face beneath his mask. It was just one more minor discomfort.
“Almost there…” Tasukie muttered dourly… just before the log caught him between the eyes.
“Ai-tong.” Tasuki growled, rubbing his head as a screeching female stormed down the path, waving a log menacingly. Chichiri could see the family resemblance, mostly in sheer lung capacity. This was clearly Tasuki’s sister.
“An’ where in th’ hell’ve ya been, Jun-yu? Runnin’ off bein’ stupid again, weren’t ya?” she hit Tasuki over the head with the log a few times.
‘No wonder Tasuki doesn’t like girls.’ Chichiri thought.
“Ai-Tong, lay off! I was doin’ important Suzaku warrior stuff! Chichiri, tell her!”
Ai-Tong seemed to notice the monk for the first time. She faced him, hands on her hips, and looked him up and down, a slight frown crossing her features. “Hmph.” Her hand flashed out, snatching the mask off the monk’s face, revealing the scarred countenance beneath. A cool breeze blew across the exposed skin, drying the sweat. “Much better!” Ai-Tong announced with a cheerful grin. “C’mon, dumbass, dinner’s waitin’.” She turned on her heal and headed up the path, still holding Chichiri’s mask.
Tasuki threw his hands up in the air in silent supplication to the gods. “Sorry. She’s crazy.”
“It’s alright. No da.” Chichiri said. She’d grinned at his real face.
Chichiri thought that he just might like Tasuki’s family.