Title: Oracle
fullmetal_cute Fandom: Space Cases
Table/Prompt: Table 2/1. Tidings
Character/Pairing: Elmyra/Radu
Rating: PG
Word Count: 287
Summary: Elmyra doesn’t consider herself very wise, as far as Oracles go.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Elmyra closed he eyes and drew her legs up beneath her, the scales making a faint whispering sound as they moved across the sheets on Radu’s bunk. The Andromidan boy sat down beside her, and she took both his hands, running her claws lightly over his palms.
She could feel the currents of the future eddying around him, drawing him deeper and deeper into a thousand possible futures. The trick was to find the future that was the most likely. It was more difficult than anyone not gifted as she was could ever really understand.
Most oracles went mad. This was a fact of life amongst the Spung, and this was what made her - a relatively sane and highly gifted oracle -- so very valuable, even though she was only a female. The Spung had fought epic wars with each other for the control of those with lesser talents.
A wise oracle knew better than to be anywhere near the center of a conflict that would determine the ultimate course of the future. It was far too dangerous, far too easy to try and make a future that was pleasing to the oracle, rather than best for all.
Elmyra did not consider herself a wise oracle. She needed to be near Radu, and he was very much an agent of change. The actions of the crew of the Christa would shape the path of the universe for centuries to come. And she was going to help them shape it.