Title: Belly
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Chase/Gert
Prompt: 20. Feel
Word Count: 133
Rating: PG
Summary: Chase is finally coming to terms with his upcoming fatherhood.
Disclaimer: I own very little, and certainly not Chase or Gert. If I did, do you REALLY think Gert would be dead in the 616 universe?
Notes: Another one from
That Damn MpregLink:
My Table Chase came up behind Gert and laid both hands on her stomach. “How’s my son today?”
“Blessedly quiet,” Gert replied. “Are you gonna grope me like this every time you see me?”
“Gimme one reason why not.”
“Because I’m a cranky pregnant lady and can elbow you right in the gut with no problems. That was a hint, by the way.”
“But I wanna feel him kick!” Chase whined.