Title: Against the Wall
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Paras/Victor
Prompt: 28. Vertical
Word Count: 256
Rating: PG-13
Summary: “Why are you still wearing them?”
Disclaimer: Me? I don’t own a thing and you all know it.
Notes: Just something that tried to be porn and fell rather short. Posted mostly because I know there are a few people out there who like Paras/Victor, and there’s just not much of it around.
My Table Paras pinned Victor against the wall and grabbed his thighs, pushing them apart and pulling his legs up around his waist. Victor laughed breathlessly, letting his head roll back while Paras pressed kisses against his neck that made him shiver. “Oooh…”
Paras fumbled with the buttons on Victor’s shirt, doing his best to keep the other boy pinned up against the wall as he did so. He swore quietly in Hindi as the buttons escaped his attempts to get them loose, and Victor grabbed one purple skinned hand and brought it up to his mouth, kissing each of his fingers. “Slow down, Paras. I’m not going anywhere.”
Paras responded by biting the place where Victor’s neck met his shoulder, making the other boy arch his back and moan as he buried his fingers in Paras’ hair to keep his mouth in place.
“Clothes…” he groaned against Victor’s neck, fighting to keep talking in English. “Why are you still wearing them?”
Victor laughed again, playing with the hair at the base of Paras’ neck. “Just relax. We’ll get to the naked part soon enough.”