Title: Wild Man of San Francisco
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor, Santo, Scott
Prompt: 36. Wild
Word Count: 175
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Victor continues to wear a loincloth, much to Santo’s dismay.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
My Table “You’re not wearing that,” Santo said. “He’s not wearing that!” He turned to Mr. Summers, pointing at Victor, who seemed perfectly comfortable in his new loin cloth. “You can’t let him wear that.”
Scott Summers managed not to laugh, though it wasn’t easy. The fact that Victor was clearly pleased with Santo’s reaction only made it that much harder. “There’s -aheh- nothing wrong with his choice of outfit.”
“It’s got at least as much to it as some of Ms. Frost's uniforms,” Victor said helpfully. “And I like it. It’s very liberating.”
“I’m not going anywhere with him dressed like that!” Santo insisted. “It’s weird! It was bad enough when we were in the Savage Land. Pants! Put on some pants, damn you!”
“Mmm… no,” Victor said, sweetly, walking off and leaving Santo spluttering.