Title: Messenger Hawk
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Characters: Zuko, Sokka
Prompt: 33. Communication
Word Count: 191
Rating: PG
Summary: Zuko’s teaching Sokka how messenger hawks actually work.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Set post series.
My Table “Messenger hawks,” Zuko explained to Sokka as he tugged a gauntlet onto his arm, “take lots of training before they can be expected to reliably deliver messages. They need to actually know where they’re going, and most messenger hawks only go between one place and another.” He handed Sokka a gauntlet. “And we send out a minimum of three hawks. That increases the chance of the message actually getting through. And that is just with military hawks. Personal hawks…” He shook his head. “They have to be specially trained, and cost far more than they’re actually worth.”
Sokka laughed one of the fakest laughs Zuko had ever heard. “Yeah, you’d have to be to a real rube to buy one, huh?” He struggled to get the gauntlet on, unable to meet Zuko’s eyes.
The young Firelord chose to let the opportunity to needle Sokka pass, instead turning and heading for the Royal Mews.