Title: Building a House: The Anole Chronicles part 2: Things Unsaid
Fandom: X-Men/Young Avengers
Characters: Onesided Billy/Victor
Prompt: 29. If only I had you. - If Only, Hoobastank
Word Count: 313
Rating: PG
Summary: There are a lot of things left unsaid between them.
Author's Notes: Another part to
Building a House. “It would be nice,” William sighed, “if I actually had more to do.”
Victor looked askance at the prince, cocking his head slightly to one side. He would have hung on to William’s every word even if he wasn’t expected to report what was going on back to the House of Magnus.
“I’m not completely enamored with the idea of mostly being the Emperor’s arm candy,” William went on dryly.
“You do provide a vital link between Earth and the Empire,” Victor reminded him in a light tone, making the prince laugh slightly. “And I assume you’ll be involved in the producing of an heir at some point.”
“Oh God.” William shook his head. “I was so much happier when I didn’t know anything about Skrull reproduction.” He continued on his meandering journey around the garden, pausing in front of something that looked like a glowing lily. “Not that I’m unhappy - be sure to tell Mother that in your next report - but I’m… bored.”
A few ideas of how the boredom, which Victor was very familiar with by now, went through his mind, but never made it past Victor’s lips. It wasn’t his place to say anything like that, and God help him if Emperor Dorrek ever had any idea of the things he was thinking about. Instead, he tried to turn both their thoughts towards the oncoming catastrophe. “That’ll change as soon as the new guards get here, believe me.”
“Wasn’t Julian one of your classmates?”
“Keller’s trouble,” Victor said firmly.
“Is that what you think?”
“It’s what I know.”