Title: Music Men
dorksidefiker Fandom: That Damn Mpreg
Table/Prompt: Table 3/5. Music
Character/Pairing: Jono/Jubilee, Zeke
Rating: PG
Word Count: 131
Summary: “There’s your daddy with the dirty hippy guys.”
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Part of my
That Damn Mpreg saga.
“Pay attention, kid,” Jubilee said, hoisting Zeke onto her shoulders. “There’s your daddy with those dirty hippy guys.”
“Dirty Hippy!” Zeke cried out, clapping his hands. He could barely even hear himself over the screaming adulation of the concert goes all around. He watched his father soak up the admiration, and he knew that it made him feel good.
Zeke also knew that he wanted just the same. “Wanna!”
Jubilee laughed as her son bounced up and down on her shoulders, waving his arms frantically. “Maybe someday, short stack.”