Title: Building a House: the Anole Chronicles part 3: Men in Uniform
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Wiccan, Anole, Scion (that’s Hellion, for those of you not up on House of M)
Prompt: 6. Uniform
Word Count: 308
Rating: PG
Summary: It’s obscene, how Julian makes a uniform look.
Author's Notes: Another
Building a House sequel.
Leave it to Julian Keller to make a Crimson Guard uniform look like that.
The telekinetic had been the last to disembark, ambling down the gang plank like he was here on vacation, instead of having just been assigned to the personal guard of a member of the Royal Family, a slight smirk on his face as the rest of the unit liked up and stood at attention in front of Victor and Prince William. Victor felt his jaw clench, despite his best efforts to keep his expression carefully schooled to show nothing. He glanced at the prince out of the corner of his eye and saw him covering a laugh with a cough. Victor sighed softly.
He could just feel an ulcer coming on.
“I’m starting to think you aren’t happy to see me, Vic,” Julian said, following Victor from the quarters the unit had been assigned.
Victor ground his teeth, keeping his back straight as he walked faster. “It’s Commander Borkowski or Anole,” he said sharply.
Julian caught up despite Victor’s best efforts. “What, we can’t be friendly?”
“I’ve seen what friendly is with you, Keller, remember? I think I’d rather keep things professional.”
Julian ran his hands over the jacket of his uniform. “C’mon, Vic…” He reached out, grazing Victor’s cheek with his finger before Victor brushed his hand away.
“We have a duty here, Scion, to protect His Highness. None of us can afford to be distracted from it, for any reason.”
“You are way too tightly wound.”