His Own Man

Feb 12, 2009 10:06

Title: His Own Man
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Anole, the Scarlet Spiders, specifically Victor/Mike
Prompt: 38. Initiative
Word Count: 274
Rating: PG
Summary: For the first time, the Scarlet Spiders don’t understand each other.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Link: My Table

For the first time in his entire life, Pat found himself unable to understand Mike. Until now, they may as well have been one person. This changed things.

“He’s a guy.”

“Justice is always saying that we need to develop our own lives. Going out with people is part of that.” Mike pulled a red sweatshirt over his head. He could have just used the Spider-Suit to do this, but something in him told Mike that that would be cheating.

“He’s a guy,” Pat repeated.

“He’s… cute.”

“Yes, but he’s a guy. What would Father think?”

Mike pulled a comb through his hair. “I… I don’t care,” he said, surprise filling his voice as he gave his brother a puzzled frown. “I don’t care,” he repeated, testing the words out. “I- He’s here.” Mike ran his hands over his hair and checked himself in the mirror.

“Have… fun?” Pat suggested as his brother left.


“I was half expecting you to show up in uniform,” Victor admitted. “Not that I would have minded that much.”

Mike looked around quickly as they walked towards The Spaghetti Factory. Going to Louisville had been Justice’s idea, calling it a chance for Mike to get more used to being in an urban environment when he wasn’t being a Scarlet Spider.

“I’m wearing it under my clothes.”

Victor laughed quietly. “Knowing my luck, you’ll need it.”

scarlet spiders, marvel, x-men, anole

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