Title: Hold Your Hand
Fandom: X-Men/Young Avengers
Characters: Victor Borkowski/Tommy Shepard, Billy Kaplan
Prompt: 38. Touch
Word Count: 153
Rating: PG
Summary: In the aftermath of battle, Tommy's doing a little thinking.
Author's Notes: Set in my That Damn MPreg-verse. Now availible with
Commentary Billy poked his head into the infirmary, checking on both the patient and his guest. "How's he doing?"
"Stable," Tommy croaked. Billy pressed a bottle of water into his hand and watched his speedster twin gulp it down. "Nico's still sleeping, too."
Billy looked down at Anole's battered face. "What'd Chase say?"
"Mostly internal. He'll be off the team recovering for a while."
"I could heal him."
"You suck at healing."
"True. I'm a little surprised you're... y'know. Here."
Tommy tapped the little transmitter in his ear. "The moment she wakes up, I'm there. Besides, you know how she gets when she thinks I'm being clingy. Right now, I want to be here."
"It's not your fault-"
"Billy, don't. Just don't." Tommy scrubbed his face with his hand. "Just get lost for a while, okay?"
"Alright," Billy said, feeling a little confused.
Tommy waited until Billy was gone before picking up Victor's hand.