Title: Jet
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Characters: Jet, Smellerbee, Longshot
Prompt: 36. Tragedy
Word Count: 168
Rating: PG
Summary: In Jet’s final moments, he gets a bit philosophical.
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Notes: Does this even count as spoilers any more?
My Table “Do you ever think about what comes after?” Jet asked weakly, trying to get his eyes to focus on Smellerbee. She sniffled loudly, and Jet tried to reach up to touch her face, but his arm wouldn’t move, no matter how much he told it to.
“No,” she said in a horse whisper. “And neither should you.”
He laughed, and it hurt. “I… don’t think my parents would like what I’ve become,” he admitted.
“You’re a hero, Jet,” Smellerbee insisted. “A freedom fighter. Never forget that.”
Jet closed his eyes, and all he saw waiting for him was darkness. “I love you, you know that? You and Longshot. I love you guys so much.”
“We love you too, Jet,” Longshot said quietly.