Title: Young Masters of Evil II part 3: Collision Course
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Our Heroes and Our Villains
Prompt: 49. Collide
Word Count: 483
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Billy casts blame, and Kang is most displeased.
Disclaimer: I own very, very little.
Notes: Yet another Young Masters of Evil story.
My Table Billy walked around the perimeter of the Lair, looking at the dead ravens that seemed to form a circle around the whole building. As one, they had dive bombed the Lair, smashing into the protections he’d placed on it and dying. Eli followed him, actually looking like he might be sick. “Jesus Christ.”
“Someone’s sending us a message,” Tommy said, producing a garbage bag and a pair of long tongs.
“Where’d you get those?” Eli asked, though his tone made it clear that he already suspected what the answer would be.
“Some guy doing community service was taking a smoke break. He didn’t need it.”
“It was her,” Billy said through gritted teeth.
Tommy rolled his eyes. “Every time something happens, you say that. And every time, when you go to the Iron Dictator to tell him that she’s done something, he tells you that she hasn’t been able to do anything because Thor is watching her like a hawk and anyway her scary ass dad put a spell on her to keep her from messing with you.”
“It’s never a good thing when Tommy’s the voice of reason,” Eli added, clearly irritated to be agreeing with the speedster.
“Paranoia,” Billy responded, “is a survival trait.”
“And it might not be paranoia,” Kate said without looking up from her Blackberry. “Guess who just broke out of prison?”
“What,” Kang growled, cornering Mina, “did I say?”
The demi-goddess quirked an eyebrow. “It’s not like anyone can pin this on me. I’m completely covered. You aren’t the only one with a vested interest in keeping me free to act, after all.”
“But now I have to cover for the lackwit and the others as well!” Kang hissed, sweeping his arm towards Ricky, who had been uncharacteristically silent since coming to the new lair with Kristoff and Paul.
“They won’t make trouble. They know how important this is.” Mina gave Kang a little push in an attempt to get past him. “We need to be at full strength for what you have planned, and it’s almost time.”
Kang grabbed both of the girl’s wrists and squeezed until she winced. “I will forgive you this one trespass, Lokispawn. Do not do it again.”
Mina rubbed her wrists until the marks began to fade, looking away sullenly.
“Is this a private party,” Jessie asked, peering around Kang, “or can anyone play?”
Kang made a disgusted noise and stalked off, leaving the two girls alone.
“You’re playing a dangerous game with him.”
“Those are the only kinds of games worth playing.”