Title: Involved
Fandom: X-Men/Young Avengers/Runaways
Characters: Victor Borkowski, Gert Yorkes, Kl'rt, Ben Grimm, Billy Kaplan/Teddy Altman, Tommy Shepard/Nico Minoru
Prompt: 42. Triangles
Word Count: 422
Rating: PG
Summary: There's nothing like a love triangle (or more accurately, love Gordian Knot) at a wedding.
Author's Notes: Because you all asked for it! Billy and Teddy's wedding! And more Tommy/Anole/Nico triangularness!
Victor sat very quietly in the corner of the pavilion, drinking champagne and managing to pull off looking happy. It took some effort, but the alcohol lubricated the muscles it took to smile.
Will and Ted were out on the dance floor, slow dancing to the theme from the Spider-Man movie. Luna was entertaining the small children off to one side so they didn't get under foot. Tommy was practically making out with Nico on the other side of the dance floor. Everyone was eating, drinking, and making merry.
And why shouldn't they? Will and Ted had finally made it legal, Nico and Tommy weren't fighting, nobody was actively trying to kill anyone else, and no super villain had attacked. So far, anyway.
It was probably the most successful super-hero wedding ever.
"I don't know why the hell I came," Victor muttered to himself. He stood up, just a little shakey, only to have a firm hand pushed him back down into his seat.
"Because the not-so-ambiguously gay duo think of you as a friend, and you want to support them," Gertrude Yorkes said. "So sit back down and smile like you're having fun, cause they're looking this way."
Will and Ted were indeed looking their way. Victor pasted a smile back on his face and waved. Ted nodded, and Will flashed him a heart breaking smile before they both turned to talk to Squirrel Girl.
"Heroine, I-"
"I know. I already know about your fucked up thing for Will, and that you're sleeping with Tom. And I really think you need to see a shrink. But what you do, as long as it doesn't effect how the team functions, is your business."
Victor hung his head. "Yes, Gert."
Gert snorted. "If there ever was a group that deserved each other, it's you three. No drunken confessions of undying love, okay?"
"Good boy." Gert patted his shoulder.
Both heroes' heads suddenly jerked around to the buffet table as Ben Grimm engaged in a drunken shouting match with the Super-Skrull. Will very audibly muttered an "I told you," to Ted, who buried his face in his hands and groaned as Kl'rt grabbed Ben by the shoulders and planted a passionate kiss on the surprised super-hero.
The Super-Skrull released the Thing and turned, vomiting all over the canapés. He then declared something in Skrullos and very gently toppled over.
"What was that you were saying about drunken confessions of undying love?" Victor asked Gert.