Title: Guard Duty
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Anole, Surge
Prompt: 26. Patrol
Word Count: 159
Rating: PG
Summary: Victor’s on guard duty while Nori’s patrolling the perimeter.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
My Table Victor shifted his weight slightly, keeping his camouflage up as he guarded the most visible way in to the temporary base. His eyes darted around, watching for anyone who might try to attack.
He’d been out there for almost three hours without moving, since his powers worked better when he wasn’t moving around. All the stillness was really starting to get to him, to be honest. He’d almost welcome an attack, just to have something to do.
Key word, almost.
Noriko zoomed past, patrolling the perimeter and not being the least bit subtle about it. She was supposed to be obvious, herding anyone trying to sneak up on them right to Victor, safely hidden and able to summon backup at a moment’s notice.