Title: Young Masters of Evil II part 4: Twisted Games
fullmetal_cute Fandom: Young Avengers
Table/Prompt: Table 2/19. Fun
Character/Pairing: Our Heroes and Our Villains
Rating: PG
Word Count: 481
Summary: Ever watch a cat play with a mouse?
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own very little, as you all are well aware. Newest part of my Young Masters of Evil series, obviously.
“Having fun, are we?” Kang drawled, leaning against the wall in a deliberately casual pose as he watched his pet demi-goddess. Mina chewed absently on a thumb nail as she stared into the cauldron.
“Are you sure this hair is fresh?” she asked. “Old hair doesn’t do me any good.”
“Are you sure you’ve broken your father’s geas?” Kang retorted, looking over the girl’s shoulder at the poisonous looking green brew simmering away.
Mina waved a hand dismissively, moving so that Kang was no longer in her personal space. “I’ve been successfully tossing minor hexes at the little bastard for weeks. He’s been blocking some, but the rest have been getting through just fine.”
“And this is different… how?” Kang asked.
“If it works, this is actually going to mess with his powers themselves.” She tapped the iron cauldron with the toe of her boot. “What I’ve been doing so far has been fun and games. This is war.”
“Finally,” Kang purred, a hand sliding to Mina’s shoulder. Mina looked at the appendage, sighed, and glared at the brew.
“We’re ready to move on your command,” Kristoff said, coming into the room with a dramatic toss of the cape he had added to his armor. “And once we’ve thoroughly destroyed the Young Avengers-”
Mina snorted, mumbling something about drama queens under her breath. Kristoff short her a dirty look before he continued.
“-then we’ll all get what we want,” he finished. “And don’t you call me a drama queen, Miss ‘I must avenge myself on Wiccan because he used to call himself Asgardian’.”
“It’s the principle of the matter. Not that I expect you to understand that,” Mina sniffed.
“We need to find Jonas,” Cassie said, chewing on her lower lip.
Kate watched Billy at Teddy out of the corner of her eye, noting their reaction to Cassie’s announcement. “I have to agree,” she said, ignoring the pair’s dark looks. “If the rest of the - are we really calling them the Young Masters of Evil?”
“You come up with a better name?” Tommy asked.
“Fine. It’s stupid, but fine.” Kate shook her head, turning to Billy. “I know you’re still pissed at him…”
Billy sighed, rubbing his temples with his fingers. “I’ve been trying to find him for the last week,” he admitted. “The spells keep blowing up in my face. Literally, a couple of times. Please note the singed eyebrows.”
“Oh hell…” Eli muttered as the lights went out.
In the dark, someone laughed.