Title: From the Journal part 3
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor "Anole" Borkowski
Prompt: 95. New Year
Word Count: 135
Rating: G
Summary: Another journal entry.
Author's Notes: Third in the From the Journal series
From the Journal of Victor Borkowski
11:29 pm: New Years Resolutions:
1. Memorize the taunt monologue from Cyrano.
2. Raise my grade in Algebra.
3. Get on the training squad
4. Find a boyfriend.
5. Revenge on the Cuckoos.
6. Find out if I will ever grow hair anywhere. Smooth look seems to be in, but how long will that last?
7. Improve my Dance Dance Revolution score. I won't loose to Santo again.
8. Call and write Mom and Dad more often. They are my parents and they love me, no matter how annoying they are.
9. Improve my accent when speaking French.
10. Read Phantom of the Opera (musical), and memorize the Phantom's songs. Also see if I can't borrow Blindfold's Me First and the Gimme Gimmes CD.
11. Find out Blindfold's name.