Title: Undying
fullmetal_cuteFandom: Marvel
Table/Prompt: Table 6/5. Immortal
Character/Pairing: Terry Ward
Rating: PG
Word Count: 167
Summary: He’s got autopsy scars, and he’s still alive.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Terry was looking at his bare chest in the mirror, biting his lower lip. A single pale line bisected his stomach before splitting off into a Y that ran up to his shoulders. When he’d taken off his shirt, they’d been about to bury him in, he’d found staples that had popped out. He’d spent the next ten minutes dry heaving into the toilet of the private quarters he’d been moved in to.
When his organs had finally stopped trying to climb out of his mouth, he went to the mirror. They’d autopsied him…. And he was alive. He could feel the air moving in and out of his lungs.
Was it blood pumping through his veins, or embalming fluid.
“Can I die?” he whispered.
His reflection gave him no answers.