That Damn Mpreg: the Tropes

Aug 03, 2009 12:57

Action Mom: There's a bunch, but I think the most notable would probably be Becca.
Annoying Younger Sibling: Becca and her brothers, Angel and Zeke, Gabe and Aiden, and Raia often acts as this to her cousin Sean.
Antagonist in Mourning: This is pretty much Gunther's reaction to Bobby's death.
Arch Enemy: Bobby and Gunther.
Are You My Mummy?: Bobbi Rae remains unaware of who her father is until adulthood. Her brother Bobby Lee knows, though.
Ascended Fanboy: Billy and Teddy, Victor Borkowski, Bobbi Rae McIntire...

Badass Normal: Kate Bishop, and later Wally Barton.
Blessed with Such: There's a fine, fine line between Super-Powers and chronic medical condition. Rose Ford ends up killing herself because like her father (Kevin 'Wither' Ford of the New X-Men), she cannot turn her powers off.
Brother Sister Incest: Ahura lusts after his younger sister Surdani, and Daemon Summers sees nothing wrong with sleeping with any of his cousins.

Childfree is Not Allowed: NOT having children seems to be more unusual in this universe.
Child Mage: Bobby Altman-Kaplan and Aiden Shepard stand out as obvious examples.
Code Name: It's a series based on Marvel Comics. While the code names rarely come up, most of the cast have them.
Convenient Coma: Billy goes in to one of these before Bobby comes to term.

Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You: Bobby and his children. He felt that if he was an active part of their lives, it would put them in danger. The twins had a reasonably happy childhood.
Daddy's Girl: Becca to Teddy, Angel to Jono, Ray-Ray to Tommy (and to her beloved Uncle Vic).
Determinator: This one pops up a few times, but Becca is probably the most obvious example.
Depraved Homosexual: Victor's Stalker with a Crush, Dreskin the Terrible, is implied to be one of these.
Dropped a Bridget On Him: Becca uses her shape-shifting powers to take on the very MALE super-hero identity of Protean. Her teammate Bruce is unaware of this at first, persuing Becca and considering Protean a rival on the team. He was NOT happy when he found out the truth.

Everything's Better with Monkeys: Or more accurately, Mutant Ninja Pirate Zombie Space Monkeys.

Flip Flop of God: Read through the comments, especially about what's been planned, then read the stories, and you'll find a LOT has gotten changed, either because The Writer forgot what she'd planned, or because she decided that something else would work better.
Foe Yay: Bobby and Gunther, again, though Bobby only seems to persue Gunther because it pisses him off so much.

Gadgeteer Genius: Dexter Stien, and later his daugher Didi.
Genki Girl: Ray-Ray, Raia, Bobbi Rae...
Give Him a Normal Life: Bobby's big reason for not being involved with his children. Bobby Lee is not impressed with this. Also seen in Angel with her daughter Didi.
Glorified Sperm Donor: Bobby and his children, again.
Good Girls Avoid Abortion: Blanche Guthrie (son fathered by a man from another universe who she never sees again) and Ray-Ray Shepard (doesn't even know who the fater is) come to mind.

Happily Married: All over the place, though the biggest example would probably be Billy and Teddy.
Has Two Mommies: On the the central things of That Damn Mpreg. The Altman-Kaplans have two dads, Ray-Ray has a mom and two dads (Nico Minoru gave birth, Tommy Shepard's the biological father, and Victor Borkowski had a heavy hand in raising his boyfriend's daughter), Grace Summers is the child of Christian Summers and Sean Cassidy-Guthrie, Deanna's parents are the shape-shifting Xavin and Karolina Dean...
Heroes Want Redheads: Becca and Wally, Hal Lang and Nate Altman-Kaplan, Christian Summers and Sean Cassidy-Guthrie...
Ho Yay: All over the place.
Half Human Hybrids: Daemon Summers is half Human Mutant, half Demon. Teddy Altman is Half-Kree, Half Skrull, making his children half human, 1/4 Skrull, and 1/4 Kree.

Instant AI Just Add Water: Hal has a habit of turning household objects into AIs that want to mate with Patriot.
I Want my Beloved To Be Happy: Victor towards Billy, early on in the series.

Libation for the Dead: One of the things Ray-Ray does after Anole dies.
Love Makes You Evil: Angel joins Apocalypse in order to save Dexter's life.

Mama Bear/Papa Wolf: Billy is VERY protective of his children. This trope shows up in a few other places too.
Mister Seahorse: Another central premise of the original story. That Damn Mpreg is even mentioned on the trope page.
Most Common Superpower: Averted. In her natural form, Becca is short, slim, and small chested, as is her cousin Ray-Ray. The female characters in That Damn Mpreg tend to have realistic endowments.

Necromantic: Dreskin the Terrible clones Anole repeatedly after his death. The clones tend not to last very long.

Oracular Urchin: Bobby, as a child.
Overprotective Dad: Both Billy and Teddy show this, though Billy tends to be more extreme. Jono also exibits shades of this when it comes to his children.

Parents as People: All over the place.
Parental Abandonment: Angel leaves Didi with Dexter, Bobby leaves his children with their mother, Becca and Wally die when their children are still young, Ambrose St. Peter's mother was murdered when he was an infant and his father has had almost no contact with him since his lycanthropy manifested, Eric Shepard and his wife die and leave their children with Ray-Ray, and even Billy and Teddy disappeared one summer.
Pettanko: See Most Common Superpower.

Redheaded Hero: Wally Barton, Sean Cassidy-Guthrie, Nate Altman-Kaplan...

Sweet Polly Oliver: Becca, again.
Samus is a Girl: Once more, Becca.
Summers Family Tree: The Summers family just might have one of the LESS complicated family trees in this series.
Superhero School: Several characters attend or are teachers at Xaviers.
Stalker with a Crush: The previously mentioned Dreskin the Terrible.
Superpower Lottery: All over the place.
Shape Shifting: ALL of the Altman-Kaplan children have this to a greater or lesser degree, as do most of their decendants. A noticeable aversion would be Princess Cera'al. While she's a Skrull Princess, she is completely unable to shapeshift, which makes her something of an outcast.

The Clan: The Altman-Kaplans have a lot of this, as do the Guthries and the Xanathoses.

UST: Loads of it.
Unpleasable Fanbase: There is always bound to be SOMEONE unhappy with a chosen pairing.

Word of God: The Writer is perfectly happy to answer questions, but please keep in mind the entry for Flip Flop of God.
Wolf Man: A couple. Bruce Jameson inherited both his mother's gamma powered strength and his father's Starlord powers and form, and Ambrose St. Peter comes from a long line of werewolves on his mother's side of the family.
With Great Power comes Great Insanity: A constant worry of the Altman-Kaplans, to the point where Becca has a plan in place should her brother go over the edge that involves killing him.
Who's Your Daddy?: Jamie Guthrie, the McIntires, Eric Shepard...
When A Jerk Loves a Tsundere: Averted. Bruce only THINKS he has this kind of relationship with Becca, who is genuinely not interested.

Notice something I've missed? Got a suggestion? Let me know!

that damn mpreg

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