Title: Soul Sword
fullmetal_cuteFandom: Marvel
Table/Prompt: Table 6/7. Pretty
Character/Pairing: Terry Ward/Megan Gwynn
Rating: PG
Word Count: 191
Summary: Maybe he’s in shock or something.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing. Just another crack pairing.
“I am so so so so so sorry!” Pixie said again, the little soul dagger still clasped in her hands. Terry looked down at his chest, noting that his suit was actually still intact, then back at the pink haired girl. He could feel what she feared, but only in a fuzzy and distant way, like it was a radio channel that wasn’t coming in.
“What did you do to me?” he asked, touching the place where he knew<.i> he had been stabbed.
“It’s just you looked like Magik for a minute there and I-” The mutant babbled on. Terry just looked at her and smiled an odd little smile. For the first time in what felt like forever, everyone’s fears weren’t pressing down on him, trying to force him in to other shapes.
It was a beautiful feeling.
“God, you’re pretty,” he whispered in a dazed way before passing out.