Title: Shaman
fullmetal_cuteFandom: Marvel
Table/Prompt: Table 6/9. Singing
Character/Pairing: Terry Ward, Nate Grey
Rating: PG
Word Count: 186
Summary: Dreams can be just as real as reality.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
The whole world was singing in Terry’s dream. He was in Central Park , though he didn’t know how he’d gotten there, and he was alone, save one man who looked familiar to Terry, though he was sure he’d never seen him before. The man was sitting on the grass in nothing but a black jacket and a pair of jeans, a stylized X tattooed on his chest. A faint breeze ruffled his white streaked brown hair, and he offered Terry a small, tired smile.
“Hello, Terry. I’ve been waiting for you,” the man said. “I’m Nate.”
“This is a dream,” Terry said. “This isn’t real.”
“It’s as real as anything else,” Nate said. “Tell me, do you know what a shaman is?”
“Any second now,” Terry said, looking around, “I’m going to wake up.”
“Time’s very subjective here. Have a seat, we’ve got a lot to go over.”