Title: Firstborn
dorksidefikerFandom: That Damn Mpreg
Table/Prompt: Table 4/67. First
Character/Pairing: Lear Frost, Christian Summers, with mentions of Zeke Starsmore\
Rating: PG
Word Count: 466
Summary: In which Lear starts learning about his family on both sides.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Miiiiiiine! Another
That Damn Mpreg tale.
Lear Frost looked at the stack of folders, feeling more than a little disturbed as he did so. “You have no idea how creepy this is,” he said, sparing Christian Summers a glance. “This… this is my life, all on paper.” He pulled out something that was sticking out a little. “God, this is one of my report cards.”
“Not all of it,” Christian said. “Just… the bits before Mom died.”
“That’s not nearly as comforting as you probably hoped it would be.” Lear drummed his fingers on the desk, watching the files as if he thought they might bite him. “I’m staring down Pandora’s box. Lots of answers in here… but I’m not sure I really wanna know them.”
Christian started to gather up the folders, only to have them snatched away by Lear, who opened up the oldest of the lot and pulled out his birth certificate. “The one my family - my foster family - had didn’t list a father,” he said. “Or a mother, for that matter. This one does.”
“Note my lack of surprise,” Christian said dryly. “Mom knew people who were very good at making records disappear.”
Lear started to respond, no doubt something along the lines of ‘Your mom was a very strange person,’ but he was distracted by something on his birth certificate. “Where have I heard the name Starsmore before?” he asked. “Isn’t that the guy who said that he had a duty to ‘snog all new X-Men’?”
“Zeke the Bike, yeah.” Christian sat on the edge of the desk. “Oh God. Don’t tell me…”
Lear gave his cousin a mildly horrified look. “Tell me he’s not related in any way shape or form to a Jonothon Starsmore.”
“I could,” Christian said sympathetically, “but that would be lying. Lemme see.” He plucked the official piece of paper out of his cousin’s hands. “Congratulations. You now have a little brother and sister. One of them’s a nympho, and the other one’s a super villain. And they’re both horribly British.”
“I want to go back to being a pizza guy now. Can I just go back to that, please?”
“You’re the one who opened Pandora’s box, Lear,” Christian reminded him, not unkindly. “Want I should arrange a meet with your daddy?”
“And tell him… what?” Lear asked. “I don’t even know the guy. How’s he gonna take an adult son just suddenly popping out of the woodwork?”
Christian made a thoughtful noise. “Well, you never know until you try.”