Title: Building a House: the Anole Chronicles part 10: The Green Knight
dorksidefikerFandom: Marvel
Characters: Anole, Wiccan
Prompt: Table 2/6. Glory
Word Count:
Rating: PG
Summary: Victor can’t even pronounce his new title.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
“I can’t even pronounce this,” Victor said, fiddling with the last of the many buttons on his dress uniform. “How do I know I’m not being named court jester?”
“Because it would upset me, and Dorrek doesn’t want that,” Prince William said. “Trust me, it’s pretty much a knighthood. Well, technically it translates to ‘Warband leader’, but it’s the same thing.”
“Uh-huh.” Victor inspected himself n the mirror, flipping a stray piece of braid back into place. The thing really was hideous, but at least it was nowhere near as awful as some of the things he’d seen the Skrulls sporting. “I’m honored, really.” He looked at the royal consort in the mirror and wondered what he’d done to talk the emperor into doing this, because he was damned sure this wasn’t Dorrek’s idea.
“Stop fiddling with your uniform,” William said, then paused. “You forgot your rank insignia.” He looked around, then scooped it up off the desk. “Here.” The prince consort stepped closer, pinning the insignia to Victor’s chest as the mutant’s breath caught in his throat. “There. You remember what you’re supposed to say during the ceremony?”
“Of course I do,” Victor said, taking a step back and shooting his cuffs, not looking at the prince. “You’ve only been drilling it into my head for the last week.”