Title: The Life
dorksidefiker Pairing/Character/etc: Jono/Jubilee, Pete Wisdom
Fandom: X-Men
Rating: PG
Theme: 18. Escape
Disclaimer: I own very little.
Note: No matter how hard they try to get out, something keeps pulling them back in. Not exactly what I had planned, but the plotbunnies are evil. Happy Very Very Belated Birthday
betterthanlegos. Another tale from That Damn Mpreg.
Jubilee shot Jono an amused glance and murmured, “Just when we think we’re out, they pull us back in.”
Jono gave his wife an irritated look before returning his glare to Pete Wisdom. Jubilee spun around in her chair a few times, stopping when she spotted a little girl lingering in the door way. She smiled at the child, who half hid behind the door frame, still watching her with wide eyes. There was something faintly off about her, though Jubilee couldn’t exactly place what it was.
“Jenny!” Wisdom said, a little sharply. “In or out.”
The little girl watched Wisdom, then stepped into the room with a defiant look on her narrow face. A pair of delicately pointed ears peeked out from a curtain of dark hair, and she resolutely settled into a chair beside Jubilee, her eyes going to Jono, studying him with open curiosity.
“I didn’t think she’d actually come in,” Pete muttered with a phlegmy cough.