Title: Shaved (Thunder)Cat
Fandom: Thundercats
Table/Prompt: Table 1/12. Birthmark
Rating: PG
Word Count: 142
Summary: In which the Thunderkittens are at war with Bengali.
Tygra could feel a headache coming on, brought on by the antics of the Thunderkittens. “What,” he asked slowly, as if he actually expected them to give him a reasonable answer, “made you decide that shaving Bengali was a good idea?”
The twins looked at each other, then to Tygra. “He started it,” Wily Kat said.
“Started it,” Tygra repeated flatly.
“You see, there was this cake,” Wily Kit began to explain.
“No.” Tygra held up a hand. “I don’t want to hear any more. Just… go to your room. Stay there. I don’t want to see or hear anything about either of you until Bengali’s birthmark is covered with hair again. Understood?”
“Yes, Tygra,” they chorused.