Title: With Great Reluctance
dorksidefikerFandom: That Damn Mpreg
Table/Prompt: Table 4/63. Coercion
Character/Pairing: Genevieve Abidemi, Bobby Altman-Kaplan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 273
Summary: There just aren’t that many people who are God Touched.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Miiiiiiine mine mine mine!
Bobby Altman-Kaplan blew out a heavy sigh as he poured the tea, then began spooning sugar into his own cup. “Look, I know you don’t like this, but there aren’t that many genuinely God-Touched people out there. At least, not that many at your level of power, Miss Abidemi. With Asgard missing, I’m limited to you, or tracking down the Thorson. And somehow, I don’t think he’d be willing to help me.”
Genevieve Abidemi watched the sugar get dumped into the cup with a slight look of distaste. “That,” she noted, “cannot be good for you.”
Bobby shrugged. “If I only did things that were good for me, I’d leave a very uneventful life,” he said. “Really, all you have to do is stand there. Cookie?”
“No, thank you.” Genevieve blew steam off her tea. “What happens if I tell you to shove it?”
Bobby arched a single silvery eyebrow. “Are you?”
“Lets stick to the hypotheticals for now, shall we Mr. Altman-Kaplan?”
“I would be forced to convince you otherwise, Miss Abidemi, by whatever means it might take, for the good of our reality.” There was something cold and hard in his chocolatey brown eyes, something that made all the hairs on Genevieve’s arm stand up, something that made her want to hiss and make herself large and intimidating as possible.
“So I see,” she said slowly.