Title: Battle
Fandom: D.Gray-Man
Table/Prompt: Table 5/20. Fight
Rating: PG
Word Count: 233
Summary: It’s gonna be a bloodbath.
Daisya landed hard on his rump, one hand coming up to cup his bloodied nose as white spots danced in front of his eyes. Kanda stood where he was, hand dropping to his side and a hard look to the set of his mouth as Noise Marie laughed. The other boy was only just starting to turn away as Daisya launched himself at him, determined to rub Kanda’s oh so pretty face in the dirt until he begged for mercy. Kanda might have been quick as a snake, but Daisya was an older brother, and that gave him an advantage. Kanda made a startled noise as he was brought down by Daisya’s weight.
Marie let this go on for a few minutes, then grabbed them both by the backs of their jackets and shook them until they stopped moving. “Master will be back soon. Clean yourselves up.”
He let both boys go, and Daisya let out an indignant squeak. Kanda landed silently and swiftly stood up, brushing himself off. Daisya tilted his head forward, stemming the flow of blood with his sleeve. He was tempted to give Marie the same treatment he’d given Kanda, but Marie was almost too feet taller than him, and he wasn’t willing to test the larger boy’s patience.