Title: The Undead
Fandom: Class of the Titans
Table/Prompt: Table 7/3. Zombie
Rating: PG
Word Count: 118
Summary: Neil isn’t very pleased about the zombies.
“Oh, ewww…” Neil ran his hands through his hair, coming away with a handful of zombie goo. He tried to wipe his hands clean, but his clothes were just as caked as his hair. “Ew ew ew…”
“For once,” Herry said, wrinkling his nose, “we’re in total agreement. I hate zombies.”
“We’re gonna have to burn these clothes,” Odie noted, holding his ruined, stained shirt away from his body with two fingers. “This has got to be some kind of health hazard.”
“Worst Chronos plot ever,” Neil announced. “Dibs on the shower.”