Title: Empires
dorksidefikerFandom: That Damn Mpreg
Table/Prompt: Table 4/55. Sore
Character/Pairing: Jeff Altman-Kaplan
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 332
Summary: In which Jeff gets his chance at revenge.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Mine mine mine!
Jeffery Elijah Altman-Kaplan, Emperor Jaffas of the Skrulls, stood in the ruined throne room of the Emperor of the Shi’ar. His whole body ached, and he was reasonably sure that blood was dripping into his eye, which had already swelled shut. But however bad he looked, the Shi’ar Emperor looked far worse. The battered and broken bodies of the Shi’ar Imperial Guard lay scattered around the ruin like so many broken, abandoned toys, and the Emperor cowered at the base of his throne. Jeff didn’t know the man’s name.
He didn’t care either.
“Kneel,” Jeff said, climbing the stairs and speaking in a voice that could not be disobeyed. “You will kneel before me.”
The Shi’ar Emperor shuddered, beads of sweat running down his face. He fought the compulsion, but the fight didn’t last long. He trembled on his knees as Jeff scooped up the scepter, the symbol of Shi’ar imperial power.
“My sister is dead,” Jeff said softly, “because of you. Because you just couldn’t leave us alone.”
With all of his considerable strength, he brought the scepter down on the Shi’ar’s head. The man’s skull collapsed with a crack and a squelch. He pulled it free and flopped onto the remains of the throne, looking up as more of the Imperial Guard charged in. They came up short, taking the scene before them as Jeff smiled thinly.
“By your own laws, I am now your Emperor,” he said. “Is there anyone here who cares to contest my claim?”
Silence filled the throne room. Jeff’s smile grew large and sharp. It was a look his sister had often worn when she was about to do something awful to the deserving. “Good. Welcome, ladies, gentlemen, and sentient beings, to the Skrull Empire.”