Title: Hunger
dorksidefikerFandom: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Table/Prompt: 1. Greed
Character/Pairing: Kaiba, Jounouchi
Rating: PG
Word Count: 120
Summary: “Do you always eat like a staved dog?”
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Kaiba watched Jounouchi greedily devour the meal set out in front of him the way anthropologist would watch another culture’s more bizarre rituals. Jounouchie stopped in mid bite, brown eyes narrowed as he scanned Kaiba’s face. “What?” he said around a mouthful of hamburger.
“Do you always eat like a starved dog?”
Jounouchie looked back down at his burger, then defiantly crammed the whole thing into his mouth. Kaiba turned away, disgusted, and Jounouchi managed to get a crow of triumph out around his overstuffed mouth.