Title: Music With Rocks In
dorksidefikerFandom: That Damn Mpreg
Table/Prompt: Table 4/70. Band
Character/Pairing: Zeke Starsmore, Doug Allyne
Rating: PG
Word Count: 205
Summary: In which there is music. How good it is… is debatable.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Mine!
Zeke threw his hands up in the air, grinning out at the pub. “Thank you, Westchester! Good night!”
This did not earn him the round of cheers and applause he’d been hoping for. He let his hands drop, turning to Doug, who was packing up the drum kit while Ambrose dealt with the speakers. Doug looked right back at him, sweeping sky blue dredlocks over his shoulder with a shake of his head. “I told you we suck.”
“We don’t suck!” Zeke protested.
“We do too. Especially when you don’t use your powers to make them like us.” Doug gave his friend a wry look. “Which you called cheating, as I recall.”
Zeke looked down at his guitar as if it had betrayed him. “We don’t suck,” he repeated stubbornly. “I don’t suck-”
“That’s not what I hear…”
“-and you don’t suck, and Ambrose doesn’t suck…” he went on as if Doug hadn’t spoken, “so how can we suck?”
“Pretty easily?”