Title: Alone
dorksidefikerFandom: Young Avengers
Table/Prompt: Table 2/8. Silence
Character/Pairing: Billy, Bobby
Rating: PG
Word Count: 339
Summary: In which Billy has a little talk with his son, who is being creepy.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own little. A That Damn Mpreg story.
Billy was surprised to find Bobby sitting in front of the incubation chamber, staring at the mottled green egg that Billy had privately dubbed Wanda, which was very unusual. Generally, the eldest of the Altman-Kaplan boys showed very little interest in the egg. There were candy wrappers strewn about the feet of the boy, making it clear that he’d been there for a while. Billy wasn’t sure where Bobby kept getting the candy from, and after what had happened a few hours ago, it was starting to really worry him. There was a long silence, broken only by the hum of the incubator. Billy found himself surprisingly reluctant to break in to his son’s revelry.
“Robert-” he sighed, then stopped. He had no idea what to say. How the hell was he supposed to explain that making people pregnant with his powers was a bad thing? Especially when Cassie and Vizh were so happy.
“Do you think the baby will be born in time for the egg to hatch?” Bobby asked, pressing his fingers to the glass and leaving little smears behind.
“I think the egg will hatch a little before,” Billy said after a few quick mental calculations.
“So he won’t be lonely,” Bobby said, letting his hand fall away. Little chocolatey finger pints stayed behind.
“Or she,” Billy corrected automatically. Then what Bobby had said sank in, and for a moment if felt like his heart stopped. “You… can’t make people be friends, you know that?”
Bobby blinked owlishly, then swiped a hand through his white-blond hair. “Yes, Poppa.”
“That’s… good,” Billy said slowly. “Come on, you’re covered in chocolate. Time for a bath…” And then it was time to call a child psychologist and set up an appointment.