Title: Utopia Is Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be
Fandom: New X-Men
Characters: Megan, Hisako
Prompt: Table 3/28. Bath
Word Count: 159
Rating: PG
Summary: Megan misses baths.
Author's Notes: I own nothing.
“Are we done yet?” Megan asked, a whine creeping in to her voice as Hisako started to rivet the large pipe section in to place. Megan was helping hold the pipe in place, and she’d been whining for the last three minutes.
“No!” Hisako snapped.
“I miss the city,” the pink haired girl sighed. “I miss real showers with hot water, or a bath-!” Despite being in the middle of the ocean, clean water was in short supply and generally reserved for drinking and food preparation. The desalinates were working overtime, but it still wasn’t enough for proper washing up. Everyone was starting to smell, and most people felt generally miserable.
“Megan, I’m gonna drown you in a bucket if you don’t stop talking!”