Title: Consequences
dorksidefikerFandom: That Damn Mpreg
Table/Prompt: Table 4/94. Vomit
Character/Pairing: Blanche Guthrie
Rating: PG
Word Count: 255
Summary: This is what happens when Guthries mix with people from alternate universes.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own Blanche. The father of her spawn, Freddy, belongs to
Blanche Guthrie clung to the toilet bowl, reaching up with a trembling hand to flush away the contents. She groaned quietly, letting her forehead rest on the side of the toilet, closing her eyes as the blue dyed locks fell around her face like a curtain. “Fuck.”
One hand closed around the home pregnancy test laying on the bathroom floor next to her. Blanche pried her eyelids open to confirm the two blue lines. She swore again, her stomach clenching, and staggered to her feet. This was no time for wallowing in self pity.
Even if she was pregnant. And single. And the father actually lived in an alternate reality.
She looked at herself in the mirror, pushing her hair back so she could get an unobstructed view of her own face. High cheekbones, pale skin dotted with freckles, bushy blonde eyebrows, hazel eyes. Pretty, like her mother, but blonde, like most of her father’s family (except for what she dyed blue). Her grandmother said that she had her paternal grandfather’s eyes.
“What am I gonna do?” she asked her reflection.
She didn’t get an answer, so she washed her mouth out with water and went to call her mom.