Title: Fairies
dorksidefikerFandom: New X-Men
Table/Prompt: Table 7/67. Fairies
Character/Pairing: Jono, Megan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 183
Summary: This is Jubilee’s revenge for… something. Jono’s not sure what yet.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
“-so then she said she was my Mum!-!”
Jono pinched the bridge of his nose and would have sighed if he could have. He was going to get Jubilee for this, he really was. He wasn’t sure how, yet, but he would. Jono was having flashbacks to when he’d been sucked into that Fairyland by way of Cassidy Keep, with that evil pink haired fairy bitch and the damn dragon and that stupid glamour machine.
And oh God, the girl was still chattering away. I thought the Welsh were supposed to be sullen and quiet.
This was Jubilee’s payback for the thing with the cheesecake back in New York, he was certain. Her and Emma, who’d been the one to insist that the girl bring Jono along on this little scouting mission in the first place. They were all out to get him.