Title: The Dead
dorksidefikerFandom: That Damn Mpreg
Table/Prompt: 65. The dead shall remain dead
Character/Pairing: Kitty Barton, Rowena Mox-Xanathos
Rating: PG
Word Count: 452
Summary: Kitty’s genre savvy enough to know that some people can come back from the dead. Rowena’s genre savvy enough to know that sometimes, they come back wrong.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Mine!
Kitty Barton slunk into her uncle’s laboratory, expression grim. Shelves lined three of the four walls, filled with books and apparatuses that she couldn’t identify. Uncle Bobby wasn’t there, and she was glad for that. The last thing she wanted was him asking questions. She chewed her lower lip, approaching the closest shelf with trepidation. Somewhere in this room was the secret to bringing people back from the dead.
“You must be Katherine,” a woman purred, the voice coming from right behind her. Kitty whirled around and found herself face to face with a dusky skinned woman. She smiled a crooked, yellow toothed smile, flipping her thick black braid over her shoulder. Kitty nervously smoothed back her own cap of red curls. “What are you doing here, little girl?”
“That’s none of your business! Who are you and what are you doing in my uncle’s house?”
“I,” the woman drawled, “am Robert’s teacher. And I think I have more reason to be here than you, little miss.”
“You don’t know anything about this!” Kitty snapped.
The woman circled her like a predator. Kitty followed her with her eyes, refusing to show fear to this woman. Kitty didn’t go in for the super-hero scene, but she knew danger when she saw it, and her mother had taught her how to deal with dangerous people. “I know you’re angry and hurting, and you’re thinking ‘Why do some people come back from the dead when others don’t?’ And you’re thinking something here can get you your parents back. You can call me Rowena.”
“I was just looking for something to read.”
“Even if you could find a ritual, you can’t guarantee it will work. You’re more likely to call something awful down on yourself,” Rowena said. “Unspeakable horrors, things man and teenager were not meant to know.” She started backing Kitty out of the room. “I don’t think they’d appreciate that.”
“Uncle Bobby came back,” the girl blurted out.
“And you have no idea how much it cost to bring him back. Let it be, child. Go find that brother of yours and don’t even dream of coming in to this room again, or you and I shall have harsh words.”
Kitty hadn’t even realized that Rowena had backed her out of the room until she shut the door in the girl’s face.